freddie achom Brexit pros and cons

How Brexit will affect startups in the United Kingdom – The pros and cons

In a nationwide referendum that was held in June 2016, more than half of the Britons voted for the UK to exit the European Union (EU). The referendum itself was controversial in nature, leading to the then Prime Minister, David Cameron, to resign as he was backing for the UK to stay in the union.

Freddie Achom's top tips for starting your own Business

My top tips for starting a business

Taking the leap and making your business dream a reality is one of the most rewarding steps you can take. But there are risks when you start your own...

Networking 101 Freddie Achom

Networking 101

‘Networking’ is a term that’s become inextricably linked with the idea of success. And it’s never been more relevant or more accessible when it comes to developing your career,...

Brand Growth Freddie Achom

How to grow your brand

Your brand is how the world sees you. This includes the online world and the physical world. It is one of the most important aspects of the way you...

Risk And Reward In Business

Taking risks to succeed in business

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” Muhammed Ali. Legendary boxer Muhammed Ali was much more than a world-class sportsman. He understood...

Freddie Alchom Business Advice

What drives the world’s top entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurs drive the economy, even in tough times. Entrepreneurs push through economic slumps, using drive, creativity, initiative and, crucially, talking to the right people, to start their businesses. As...

negotiating guide Freddie Achom

An entrepreneur’s guide to negotiating

Ultimately at some point in every business, we all need to negotiate. If you’re an employee, you might want to strike a better deal with your boss in terms...

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