Freddie Achom

How to Manage at a Growing Company

Working at a startup or rapidly growing company has its challenges. You may not know what to expect from day to day, leading to new responsibilities and processes. Many people thrive in this kind of environment. However, there are often similar issues no matter which company you are at. These tips can help alleviate concerns and problems you will encounter with your staff.

Set Expectations

Whenever a new change is approaching, you’ll have to set and reset expectations of your team members. Let’s say you’re rolling out a new process. It’s a good idea to let your team know ahead of time, if possible, so they can prepare for their work to change. Additionally, you should prepare a step-by-step plan on how the process is rolling out. Is it an immediate change that will disrupt workflow, or is it a gradual transition? Answer these questions and make sure you are as specific as you can be when explaining what will occur.

Listen to Concerns

A company that is constantly changing will surely lead its employees to be concerned. As a manager, it is your duty to listen to and assuage these concerns when possible. If there is a valid concern that does not have an answer, make it a priority to get one. You may not be able to alleviate every issue, but you can do your part to stop your team from spiralling out of control.

Prepare for Movement

Big changes often come with positions opening up. Many managers make the mistake of assuming their team is solid and, because there are no openings on their team, there will be no changes. Yet, it is possible that an employee could desire a new role on another team or even in another department. Make sure to talk to your employees about what they want in the company. If they seem interested in another opportunity, do not hold them back. Instead, work with them to make any application and transition go smoothly.

On the other hand, change can lead people to leave a company. It is unfortunate when a good team player leaves, but it should be expected. While you don’t need to be paranoid that your whole team will leave, you should take note if there are any hints that an employee is ready to move on. Try not to feel offended; change just isn’t for some people.

When your company is growing, it can lead to many unintended changes. As a manager and a leader, make sure you handle these changes gracefully by following the tips above.

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