What venture capitalist investors want from a start-up pitch

Frederick Achom - VC investors start up pitch

If you’re a start-up owner and are looking for venture capital (VC) funding, where do you start? VC investors meet with thousands of start-ups, and deal with endless pitches. So, how do you ensure yours stands out? Just 1% of all these pitches become real-life VC investments, which means the odds are stacked. But there […]

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Frederick Achom on what makes a Fintech start-up successful

Frederick achom - Fintech

What makes the difference between a Fintech start-up that crashes and burns and one that is successful? If you have the idea, the talent and the tech to move into the Fintech space with your start-up, you need to beat the odds. Stats show just one in ten start-up companies makes it. It’s always easier […]

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How start-ups can improve the UK’s image after Brexit

Freddie Achom - How start up can improve the UK's image after Brexit

Whether you’re for or against Brexit, it’s a fact that the vote to leave the EU marks a turning point in our national history. The Government is still negotiating how to extricate the country from the EU. Until they provide clarity, we just don’t know how this will affect our economy and the way we […]

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Do you have what it takes to take charge of your start-up?

Freddie Achom - startup

During my career supporting young entrepreneurs and start-up innovators, I have come across many unique ideas that are worth sharing. There is a world of innovation and remarkable entrepreneurial drive spearheading some of the most exciting developments in multiple sectors. And I believe sharing best practice and ideas can potentially drive significant commercial change and […]

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